8 Example Park Home Minimalist In Minimalist Land

8 Example Park Home Minimalist In Minimalist Land - When making a house, of course, we will need examples of design From all sides, ranging from minimalist garden front of the house, back of the house either with a narrow land or wide rule land. If you like the park, you should make a nice garden rule design as your place to relax when the afternoon comes. Probably not a lot of great ape rule would make a park in front of the house, but there is no harm in making it in a narrow land though.Want to know tips on arranging a minimalist front garden minimalist land to look good and comfortable to look at, consider the following reviews:

8 Example Park Home Minimalist In Minimalist Land

Tips on Setting a Home Park in Minimalist In Minimalist Home

1. Selection of Plants
The first rule you have to do is choose the rule plants you want to use to beautify your minimalist home garden. Ordinary his plant rule colorful Will make the garden design better From before so you can choose a variety of colors good and unique rules you think.
2. Set Distance Planting
Setting the spacing is also very needed because the rule plant is set too tight Will make a narrow impression so you need to change it From now on. Plant the plants in a straight and regular way to make your garden look more spacious and nice later.
3. Sunlight
You should choose where the rule can be exposed to sunlight because plants need sunlight as a process of photosynthesis. So try to choose where the rule is exposed to direct sunlight.
4. Give Paving
To avoid your plants from being trampled by a great ape rule, you should give paving to keep it nice.
a source from livedesain .com
8 Example Park Home Minimalist In Minimalist Land
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8 Example Park Home Minimalist In Minimalist Land
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8 Example Park Home Minimalist In Minimalist Land
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