Natural acne treatment using a rose herb - The growth of acne on the face is very disturbing. There are many causes of acne growing on the face. Both because of food problems and because of stress. There are many ways and remedies to get rid of acne. But it is better to use natural ways because it does not cause side effects. A simple and natural way is to use a rose herb.
Natural acne treatment using a rose herb |
Eliminating acne on the face with roses is powerful to treat acne naturally. Roses have many benefits for beauty and freshness of the face. Among them is to treat facial acne. Besides not harmful to skin health, roots and roses are also widely used as the main ingredient cosmetics beauty.
For women appearance is very important, one of which is the face to always look beautiful and natural. It takes care the facial skin to always look beautiful naturally has become a necessity. The growth of acne will disrupt the appearance should be treated immediately. Treatment and prevention should be done to keep the appearance beautiful. The use of traditional and natural acne remedies can be an appropriate alternative if already tired of wearing chemical beauty products.
acne on the face |
Of course, you are familiar with rose plants that have beautifully colored flowers and fragrant aroma. Rose potion to deal with acne problems can be purchased or make your own traditional herb made from roses as acne remover.
Using Roses To Eliminate Acne.
The rose is proven effective to treat the face and prevent the growth of acne. But there are other natural ingredients that are not less potent with roses. Natural ingredients that can be used are lemon or betel leaf to treat acne on the face. But, there is some natural content of acne prevention that is not owned by other materials. The content is found only in roses, namely:- The presence of anti-inflammatory properties, in rose plants useful to prevent skin irritation caused by the heat of sunlight.
- Wash your face using rose water after a facial is believed to speed up the closure of the pores. This content is able to prevent red on facial skin.
- Aromatherapy from roses can also grow a sense of calm, this condition spurred so as to mood and release stress.
- Cleaning the face with rose water can remove dirt and oil cause acne growing.
Natural acne treatment using a rose herb
How To Eliminate Acne With Roses
How to treat acne on the face, is to use natural ingredients:- Root of roses
- Roses
- 1 liter of clean water.
- Wash roses and rose roots
- Boil in 1 liter of water until boiling, wait until cool
- Wash the face with acne prickly water of rose and rose roots twice a day.