Practical techniques how to care for roses to be diligent flowering
Practical techniques how to care for roses to be diligent flowering. Many oprang call the roses as the queen of flowers. Because the petals are beautiful and the scent is very distinctive. Lots of people who planted roses in the garden of his house. But most of them have difficulty how to plant and care for rose plants to grow and diligent flowering. What often happens is usually the rose which originally had large petals when planted, the next flowers that bloomed into small pieces. The size of the flowers to be small is not as big as before.
Planting roses is indeed a bit difficult unique banun. Planting and maintaining rose plants will be difficult if you do not know the science. But it will be easy if you already know the knowledge. Planting roses needs special handling Rose flowers can not just be treated by splashing water every day. In treating rose plants there are several things that must be considered.
• Rose plants should be placed in open areas and exposed to the sun throughout the day. The goal for photosynthesis activities can work well.
• In order to plant flower roses diligent flowering is to provide nutrition in accordance with the needs of the rose plant. Nutrition in the form of fertilizer. The best fertilizer is manure or natural fertilizer produced from animal waste.
• If it is difficult to get natural fertilizer, can use NPK fertilizer (chemical fertilizer) containing the main nutrients needed by plants. The element is nitrogen that helps vegetative growth especially in leaves. Phosphorus elements that help the growth of roots and shoots. While potassium that can help the growth of flowers and fruit. It should be noted that the use of chemical fertilizers should not be excessive used for rose plants.
• Watering should be done routinely as much as 2 times in the morning and afternoon. Can also be given with more doses according to weather conditions, too hot juka can be watered up to 3 times as needed.
• It should be noted also during the rainy season by routinely doing spraying pesticides. The goal is to keep roses resistant to rain, because the roses are sensitive to rain water.
• In order for flowering plants diligent flowering should routinely perform treatment for your rose plants are not attacked by pests and diseases. Because pest attacks will hamper growth and even die.
• The last and most important thing for your flowering roses is diligent to cut the long roses. Cutting using special scissors stem cuttings.
That's a glimpse of the general picture of how to care for roses to be diligent flowering. Finally, hopefully useful!