7 Secrets of Natural Beauty Benefits Rose

rose flower for health
7 Secrets of Natural Beauty Benefits Rose. Everyone must have instinctively acted with roses, rose benefits for health. From birth to death it will always be close to the roses, rose good for health, rose tea for health . Because roses besides being beautiful and deliciously scented, roses also contain an understanding of beauty, beauty and love. Looks like the rose really offers the benefits for beauty. The rose becomes an icon of the wonder of beauty on the skin.
One of the most important benefits or uses of flowers is for beauty. Since the days of ancient Greece and Rome people have used rose petals to make fragrances or perfume while bathing. At that time they were very appreciative of roses, in addition to health and beauty. They love to decorate the floor and banquet room by sowing rose petals. Roses have been used for cosmetics, treatments and treatments for centuries. It is in the form of oil, Rose essential oil that contains antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. So the rose oil oil is ideal for treating some diseases of the skin such as blisters or burns. It has also been used to relieve symptoms of sore throat, fever and cough.
In Rose Water is also known for its benefits to health and beauty. Rose water works to treat acne, brewed like tea to relieve a sore throat. And very comfortable when poured into the bathtub to bathe. Many beauty products today use roses as herbs. Rose flower for health, organic beauty products made from roses such as rose water, rose distilled oil, rose rose essential oil or rosehip seed oil, rose essence. Organic products from these roses besides fragrance also help to rejuvenate and keep the skin. Some of the benefits of roses are as follows:
  • Anti-bacteria: The content in essential oils become anti-banteri and has a cleaning properties, the benefits can help treat acne and acne skin, health uses for rose water
  •  Anti-inflammatory: Anti-inflammatory content in roses can help reduce reddish spots on your skin.
  • Anti-oxidants: Roses contain lots of vitamin C, will be a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps protect skin cells from damage from the sun. With rose water can help prevent sunburn.
  • Moisturizer: The moist nature makes roses can help lock moisture into the skin, so the skin feels smooth. 
  •  Natural scent: The content of the scent on roses instead of chemical or artificial fragrances.
  •  Relaxation: As the aroma therapy, the scent of roses will calm the physical and calm the mind. Because the content in rose petals gives a positive effect to detoxify and soothe.
  • Toning: The content of natural substances from roses will help tighten the pores and restore the elasticity of the skin.
Here is a review of 7 Secrets of Natural Beauty Benefits Rose, may be useful for us all.