10 Secrets of the efficacy and benefits of roses for health, beauty and freshnes

red roses and health

The Secrets of the efficacy and benefits of roses for health, beauty and freshness. Roses especially red roses are the most famous of the others. This is quite reasonable because it began its beautiful shape that since time immemorial has been used as a symbol of love and beauty. So often we see red roses are selected by the men to give a romantic gift to their partner. Not only that, in songs and poems, red roses are often used as themes or titles in songs and poems.
Behind the beauty and aroma of red roses also save many benefits for health, beauty and even there are economic value, such as:
1. Increase the body's metabolism. Red rose for good health can also be consumed because it will provide many health benefits for the body. One is to increase the body's metabolism.
2. Able to get rid of toxins in the body Our daily diet, the air of the moths we breathe, also the exposure of other negatively substances. There are a few toxins that settle in our bodies. Of course if left unchecked will endanger health. To get rid of toxins in the body can take advantage of red roses.
3. Lose excess weight Consume. Red roses healthcare, a handful of red rose petals turned out to make the stomach feel full. This will reduce appetite, suitable for weight loss program. If not consumed directly red roses can be consumed by drinking boiled water.
4. Good for sexual activity, By eating red rose petals are beneficial to increase sexual arousal. Kareba properties can increase energy, so sexual activity becomes better and better quality.
5. Overcoming stress and depression. The aroma therapy from the red rose will give a sedative effect, which is a soothing taste. Red rose aroma therapy can be used to reduce stress and depression. The most simple and fun way is to spread a number of red rose petals into warm water for bath or bath.
6. Overcoming the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Red roses a color of roses for health have a high fiber content, so that if consumed will help cleanse the digestive system of various toxins. The trick is very easy, namely by making a concoction of a handful of rose petals mixed with 50ml cooking water. This mixture is crushed until smooth to become thick. This herb is taken regularly for 3 consecutive days before meals.
7. Overcoming irritation on sensitive skin. Red roses for health and beauty. Sensitive skin is very susceptible to irritation, this is one of them because of the use of cosmetics. The problem of this kilit can be overcome by utilizing red rose water. With water red roses skin irritated healthy and fresh again.
8. Overcoming the problem of oily skin. Oily skin is very disturbing, overcome by using red rose water. Red rose water is beneficial to balance the oil content in facial skin.
9. Make facial skin soft and fresh. Natural astringent content in red roses can help refresh and soften facial skin.
10. Decrease the pores on the face. Large pores on the skin is very disturbing, because less eye-catching. Red roses can be an alternative as a natural remedy for majah. How to use red roses used to wash your face regularly.
Here are roses and health 10 secrets and benefits of roses for health, beauty and freshness, may be useful to us the quality of life of all of us.