The idea for a garden design in small place need creative ideas to create a flower garden around the house are increasingly needed. Because now has a green and beautiful garden is the dream of every homeowner. Beautiful garden in the home environment, in addition, to bring fresh air around the house also reassure the heart. Looking at the green foliage and the flowers in the garden are also good for the eyes. Because the eyes are also experiencing fatigue because of everyday activity in the busy work. Everyday activities that always look at the computer monitor screen.
No need to be discouraged if the width of your home page is limited. Just a little creativity and courage to pour out ideas. Anyone can have a dream garden around the house. Many books on the idea of creating a park are being sold in bookstores near you. But not to worry because here will try to submit some ideas to make a garden around the house. A picture of a small garden designed according to the condition and area of the land. Let's find the flower garden design to make the dream garden here.
1. Domination of green area
Green areas on narrow land should be bordered. The goal is not to block the path. But this area should also dominate, meaning that in accordance with its function as a home decorator. Start by placing flower plants in pots made higher than the ground.
2. Plants in miniature garden
Flower plants in pots can make a very narrow page become more interesting. Similarly, some plants are planted in a well-arranged pot. Keep in mind that garden miniatures like a mini garden require special care, to make the park look more beautiful and orderly.
3. Shelter
The aesthetic setting is the key to turning a narrow land into an enchanting garden. In addition to dividing the land for green areas, also provide a place to relax. In this picture pergola serves as a place to relax, as well as elements that can beautify the park itself.
4. Vines
Vines are a type of plant that grows creeping in certain areas. Rhythm spreads in concrete walls. Using creeping plants does not require a lot of lands because it requires only a wall. Practically this type of plant does not require special care or handling. This can be a creative idea to realize the dream of the park at home.
5. Composition of a number of materials
Courage provides a mix of elements, such as wood, stone and plants. Determine the placement where these elements fit the taste, then the enchanting little park can be embodied.
6. Flower plants near the wall
The walls of a house or barrier of the house can create a rigid and narrow impression. To overcome this by disguised by planting a group of flower plants and shrubs along the wall. The wall angle is the easiest part to be beautifully engineered. Take a good look at the page corners before deciding what to put there. Arranging a plant with several different lanes of its kind will make the corners of the page more orderly and enjoyable to enjoy.
Here's a glimpse of the Garden design for small place need the creative idea to create flower gardens around the house. Hopefully useful for all readers.